
TimelapseLab with Lyto’s in Seville

We are proud to share our recent collaboration with Lyto’s Srl, an Italian company based in Casalserugo, specializing in the design and construction of warehouse structures, for their project in Seville, a self-supporting automated warehouse for Refresco Iberia. The project will last 8 months.


The warehouse will have a capacity of 40,000 pallet spaces and a height of 40 meters. In addition to the load-bearing structure, Lyto’s will also provide the exterior cladding system with panels and membrane roofing, fire protection systems with smoke detection, and the tunnels to connect with the existing buildings.

We provided them with a TimelapseLab device, an intelligent industrial solution designed for remote monitoring of construction sites, equipped with artificial intelligence-based software. These plug-and-play devices offer high-definition images and are designed to withstand all weather conditions.

With TimelapseLab devices, real-time monitoring of work progress and operating conditions is possible, receiving automatic alerts to ensure workplace safety. In case of non-compliance with safety protocols, the system sends immediate notifications, always with full respect for privacy. In addition, it can automatically identify and blur sensitive data in images, ensuring worker protection.

We are honored by the trust Lyto’s Srl has placed in us for this important project.

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Monitor your construction site wherever you are with Timelapselab

Mail:  info@timelapselab.com
Tel: +39 0376 1811478
        +39 3478247830