
Time lapse software - web platform

Thanks to the Timelapselab web platform you can monitor the progress of work on site rapidly from wherever you are and benefit from the proprietary time lapse software. View in real time all the shots taken by the devices, download the photos that you want and obtain automatic customizable time lapse videos to always be updated on the progress of work and let everyone know how they are proceeding.

software time lapse

Talk to our experts

We will help you find the best solution for your needs.
Tel: +39 0376 1811478  – Mail:  info@timelapselab.com


Time lapse software and artificial intelligence

Simplify construction site management with remote monitoring and AI support. The time lapse software will optimize monitoring of all site activities: visual data available on the platform, blurring of sensitive data, alert system for notifications in case of anomalies and much more.

dati sensibili

Fully privacy-compliant

The timelapse software recognizes and blurs in real time all sensitive data present in the shots, such as faces, bodies, license plates, vehicles and external areas. Thanks to the web platform you can select and modify the parameters in a quick and easy way, in order to adapt them to your needs.

Automatic customizable videos - Timelapse software features

The web platform generates time lapse videos automatically, simplifying reporting activities, marketing and internal communication. This one of the timelapse software features. The system hosts an internal editor to customize time lapse videos according to your necessities: music, descriptions, date intervals or specific days and much more. Use our time lapse software for professional results.

Say goodbye to external software.

On-site safety

With real time remote monitoring and thanks to the alert system that swiftly notifies in case of irregularities, it is much easier to prevent risk situations and guarantee on-site safety.

Custom solutions

Timelapselab offers highly customizable solutions: the products are assembled by our team based on your needs to offer a unique solution. The plug&play devices are ready to use with the timelapse software and are directly shipped to the construction site location, worldwide and ready for installation.

We will help you choose the best lenses for your needs and the materials for the case (aluminum, steel etc.)


Some of our latest projects


The right answer to your needs

What is a time lapse video?

The time lapse technique consists in producing a video composed of photos taken at regular intervals for long-lasting events.

What are the uses of time lapse videos for construction sites?

Thanks to time lapse videos one can monitor the progress of their construction site and create impactful content to promote their project.

What is the image quality of the Timelapselab devices?

Our industrial-grade devices mount high quality 8 or 12 mpx lenses that allow you to create and export time lapse videos in 4K definition.


Whar does our platform offer?



The Timelapselab software allows to detect and blur in real time sensitive data present in the photos taken such as faces, license plates or vehicles. We guarantee your privacy as stated by GDPR regulations and article 4 of the Workers’ Statue.

intelligenza artificiale

Software & AI

The Timelapselab software uses algorithms based on artificial intelligence to analyze the traffic of people and vehicles on site and create useful charts accessible to the customer.

video time lapse


The Timelapselab devices allow the creation of impactful time lapse videos directly from the platform. Obtain and download weekly or monthly videos or contact our experts for the production of professional videos. 

foto cantiere


See in real time all the shots taken by the Timelapselab devices and access the entire history of photos, from oldest to newest. Share the photos with colleagues or authorized personnel to follow the progress of your project.

soluzioni su misura

Custom solution

Timelapselab offers highly customizable solutions and designed with the customer based on their needs. Choose the right lenses and the materials for the devices, the logo to place on the photos and much more.


On-site safety

Timelapselab cares about the safety of workers. Find more about the Smart Track ecosystem for safety control on the workplace: wearables and a dedicated web app to avoid incidents and injuries.

Companies that trust us


News, events and innovation



Il software Timelapselab permette di rilevare e offuscare in tempo reale dati sensibili presenti nelle immagini scattate come volti, targhe o veicoli. Garantiamo la tua privacy come previsto dalla normativa GDPR e l’art. 4 dello Statuto dei Lavoratori.

intelligenza artificiale


Il software Timelapselab sfrutta algoritmi basati sull’Intelligenza artificiale per analizzare il traffico di persone e mezzi sul luogo di lavoro e visualizzarlo in comodi grafici accessibili al cliente.

video time lapse


I dispositivi Timelapselab permettono di creare time lapse d’impatto direttamente dalla nostra piattaforma. Ottieni e scarica video settimanali o mensili oppure contatta i nostri esperti per la realizzazione di video professionali.

foto cantiere


Visualizza in tempo reale tutti gli scatti effettuati tramite i dispositivi Timelapselab e accedi allo storico delle foto, dalle più recenti alle più datate. Condividi le foto con colleghi e adetti ai lavori per seguire lo stato di avanzamento del tuo progetto.

soluzioni su misura

Custom solution

Timelapselab offre soluzioni altamente personalizzabili e pensate con il cliente in base alle sue esigenze. Scegli le ottiche e i materiali dell’apparecchiatura, il logo da apporre su ogni scatto e molto altro ancora.


Sicurezza sul lavoro

Timelapselab ci tiene alla salvaguardia dei lavoratori. Scopri l’ecosistema Smart Track per il controllo della sicurezza sul luogo di lavoro: dispositivi indossabili e una web app dedicata per evitare incidenti ed infortuni.

Count on us

With Timelapselab you can remotely manage your construction site thanks to our platform

Mail:  info@timelapselab.com
Tel: +39 0376 1811478
        +39 3478247830