
"Safety on construction sites is the priority"


sicurezza lavori


The problems of safety works


Often it is not possible to exercise constant control of the activities, due to problems of time or related to travel.


Drafting reports on site safety can require time and above all physical presence on site to take photos and videos.


Identifying and resolving anomalies before they cause accidents and injuries is the order of the day for those involved in safety. The right tools can make this task easier.

Talk to our experts

We will help you find the best solution for your needs.
Tel: +39 0376 1811478  – Mail:  info@timelapselab.com



Immediate monitoring

With Timelapselab devices it becomes very simple for work safety:

  • follow the progress of the work of your business, in real time, 24/7;
  • control multiple construction sites at the same time through our dedicated platform;
  • view the work environment remotely, via smartphone, tablet or computer;
  • download and share photos to share with the professionals involved in the project;
  • draw up reports without physically accessing the work environment.

Site safety just a click away

The images provided by Timelapselab devices are clear and in high definition. With the optical zoom it is possible to quickly see if the workers’ activity complies with the pre-established safety plans.

Our work safety software, with the help of artificial intelligence, allows you to check the traffic of people and vehicles on the work site.

It is also equipped with an ALERT SYSTEM which alerts you whenever people or vehicles intruders are detected in the area. The message will be sent promptly via email to always be aware of potential dangers.

Smart Track

The Smart Track ecosystem makes it possible to increase the protection of human resources and reduce the incidence of accidents. It is based on wearable devices equipped with sensors and connected to a web application, SMARTStudio, thanks to which it is possible to immediately notify employees and security officers via Whatsapp, Telegram or email messages.

You will have the opportunity to:

  • report the condition of “man down” in places where the GPS signal is absent;
  • manage evacuation plans, understand how many have reached the assembly point and know the number and position of missing persons;
  • check access to prohibited areas;
  • carry out hands-free transit control via smartphone, tablet or computer;
  • download and share photos to share with the professionals involved in the project;
  • draw up reports without physically accessing the work environment.


The right device for every figure


TLA12 is the innovative high-resolution device created by TimelapseLab, for incredibly sharp images.

time lapse

What is a time lapse video?

The time lapse technique consists in producing a video composed of photos taken at regular intervals for long-lasting events.

What are the uses of time lapse videos for construction sites?

Thanks to time lapse videos one can monitor the progress of their construction site and create impactful content to promote their project.

What is the image quality of the Timelapselab devices?

Our industrial-grade devices mount high quality 8 or 12 mpx lenses that allow you to create and export time lapse videos in 4K definition.


Some of our last projects


The other stakeholders of Timelapselab


Construction supervision


Plant management


Work safety

Count on us

Monitor your construction site wherever you are with

Mail:  info@timelapselab.com
Tel: +39 0376 1811478
        +39 3478247830