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Patent for TimelapseLab for remote monitoring method and device

We are proud to announce that TimelapseLab has obtained the patent for remote monitoring method for construction sites and the related device from General Direction for Protection of Industrial Property – UIBM, according to the Ministry of Enterprise and of Made in Italy. Our patent application, number 102021000009311, has been accepted, a certificate for TimelapseLab’s spirit of innovation and our commitment to technological advancement in our sector.


The Patent for Industrial Invention is valid throughout Europe and marks an important milestone in the company’s evolution. TimelapseLab is known for its commitment to innovation and excellence, and this new achievement further consolidates our leadership position in the industry. The grant of the patent not only recognizes the uniqueness of our invention but also strengthens our ability to continue leading technological advancement.


Our remote monitoring method represents a significant step forward in the optimization and safety of construction sites, enabling constant and detailed control without the need for physical presence. This innovative device hased to ensure effective surveillance, reducing operational costs and improving the overall efficiency of projects.


The official recognition of our patent goes beyond formality: it allows us to maintain exclusivity in the use of our devices, protecting our solutions and expanding our influence in the market without fear of any imitation. This enables us to continue offering to our customers cutting-edge solutions and go on with our reputation as pioneers in the field of remote monitor

The obtained certificate is a springboard towards further achievements we aim to reach. We want indeed to continue with our innovation, driving growth and setting new standards in our sector.



Monitor your construction site wherever you are with Timelapselab

Mail:  info@timelapselab.com
Tel: +39 0376 1811478
        +39 3478247830