
InnoTech Community by Ambrosetti and Pizzarotti: connected construction site | TimelapseLab

The european house ambrosetti

On 01/31/2023 we participated in the round table by the InnoTech Community titled “Digital technologies for the development of the connected construction site”; a dialogue with important names in the construction world on possible future developments for a more connected construction site. The event was organized by The European House-Ambrosetti and Impresa Pizzarotti & C. […]

LENDLEASE Awards TimelapseLab in the final of the Premio 2031 – former Marzotto award

Timelapse Lab wins the special prize offered by Lendlease for the Premio 2031 competition. The Premio 2031 platform has been supporting ideas to become businesses and innovative start-ups to develop their full potential for years. For the twelfth edition held this year, the jury selected 16 winning startups combined with as many important companies and […]

Zoogamma By VanDrie Group | TimelapseLab

 We followed with our high resolution devices the works carried out by Zoogamma in their headquarters in Casalbuttano. Since day one, the continuous monitoring has allowed the company to remotely monitor the progress of the work. At the end of the construction site, our team then made a timelapse video with information on the project […]

Timelapse Lab as part of LE VILLAGE by CA Triveneto

Le village triveneto

Timelapse Lab joins the Le Village by CA Triveneto, an environment that fosters collaboration with the internal network of young companies, corporates, investors and the Crédit Agricole group. Le Village is a growth and training project, with the aim of accelerating company innovation thanks to the support of an open ecosystem that creates connections, and […]